Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blah C- for my absence!!  BUT..Even though I haven't blogged about it, I have been losing weight!! Yay me!  I joined Weight Watchers mid-August and officially started ON my 29th Birthday.  I thought to myself, maybe I should wait until the day after my birthday so that I can chow down on whatever I wanted for MY day...But lets face it, would I really have done it?  And what better way to start my new life, then on my Birthday.  I figure it would be perfect so that I can see how well I did and start my 30s off, next year, with a Hot.New.Bod. :-)

Monday, June 20, 2011

So it is two days from my last post.  I have looked through the South Beach Diet book and Cookbook and even though my doctor recommended that, I'm not so sure it's for me....but then again, what IS for me obviously isn't working!!!  AAAGHH it's so hard to know what the right thing to do is.  I really want to look more into Weight Watchers and maybe use my favorite recipes from the SB cookbook.  Also, yesterday I found out that my husband is interested in losing weight as well, so with his help...I may just be successful!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The beginning

Well, this is it.  I've been talking about it for years and have known for over a decade that I need to do something about it, but now, hopefully with the help of this blog will stick to it.  That's right, you guessed it...LOSE WEIGHT!  I'm choosing not to share this blog with my family or friends just yet as I will be revealing some pretty emotional stuff and current weight.  I won't feel comfortable sharing that information until I weigh MUCH LESS than that terrifying number.  But please, if you happen to stumble upon this blog, I hope you will follow me and possibly join me.  I don't know what is going to happen or how long it will take, but maybe I can inspire or even BE INSPIRED by some of you out there struggling with the same.  Let's do this!